According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 609,360 people die from cancer in the United States each year, and 130,180 of those deaths are from lung cancer. In honor of November being Lung Cancer Awareness Month, here are three ways that can help you prevent lung cancer:

Don’t Smoke

Cigarette smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer, making up 80-90% of all lung cancer deaths. If you do smoke, you should immediately take steps to prioritize your health. Don’t quit smoking without the support you need from your doctor and your family. Your brain is likely hooked on nicotine, and you must have support from your family and counseling from your doctor. If you do not currently smoke, you can still do your part. Talk to your friends, family, and children and bring awareness to the danger of smoking. Never pick up that first cigarette!

Healthy Diet

Most people think that the only way you can get lung cancer is by smoking, but even if you never smoke a cigarette, you can still get lung cancer. It is important that you maintain a healthy diet to help fight cancer. Eating fruits and vegetables and taking vitamins regularly is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Keeping your body healthy will help you prevent and fight cancers and may save your life.   


Keeping your body moving is essential to your health, but it will also help you fight lung cancer. Exercising will increase your strength and endurance, making your lungs and heart stronger. As you improve your fitness, your body will efficiently pump oxygen into the bloodstream and transport it to your muscles, helping you fight cancer.

If you are trying to quit smoking, our trained physicians can help you break that habit even if you have tried and failed time and time again. Visit our provider directory to find a physician near you!