Safety Flu Tips During Flu Season

Safety Flu Tips During Flu Season

Winter is officially here, and unfortunately, so is flu season. The winter months are the perfect time for sickness such as the flu to spread throughout your family. Here are some simple ways to help you prevent sickness: Wash Your Hands Washing your hands may seem...
Myths About Colorectal Cancer: Debunked

Myths About Colorectal Cancer: Debunked

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, so we are here to shed some light on a couple of common myths about Colorectal Cancer so that you can encourage the people in your life to get tested. Myth #1: “It only happens to men.” Truth: The overall lifetime risk of...
How Your Mood Affects Your Health

How Your Mood Affects Your Health

By Troy Frink at Did you know your mood can have a huge impact on your health? According to Time Magazine, people who are happier tend to be healthier. Evidence shows that your attitude can have “meaningful, … measurable...
Back To School Health Checklist

Back To School Health Checklist

Summer has been fun, but now that school is back in session, it’s time to get everyone back into a routine and make sure everyone has a happy, healthy school year. Here are some tips to make sure everyone in your family makes a healthy transition back to school! Tidy...